Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bolivian USDA Organic Shade-grown Coffee

Custom-roasted Decaff Bolivian USDA organic shade grown coffee! These beans were produced under the shading canopy of native trees. Beans were depulped and washed using pure Andes glacier-melt water, sun-dried on wooden table tops and hand selected by "Palliris" (Aymara Indian women food graders). This coffee is proudly custom-roasted by Good Dog Coffee Micro Roasters. This coffee is certified USDA Organic, Smithsonian Institution Bird Friendly and Rainforest Alliance Fairtrade. As with any of our coffees it will be roasted only after you order it. It doesn't get any fresher! Remember, that you decide the roasting and grinding levels. At checkout please select between Light, City, Vienna, and French Roast and select between Whole Beans, Coarse, Medium, or Fine grinding levels.

Good Dog Coffee Micro Roasters provides you with a “birthday” date in every bag of our custom-roasted coffees. Yes, each and every bag of coffee will have a Roasting Date. This is the date when our master roaster actually roasted and bagged you coffee. In fact, this date will be hand-written and initialized by our roast master. This is all possible only because we roast one order at a time. So, each and every coffee bag is roasted just for you!

Our expectation is that with this information you’ll be able to have the best quality coffee you can have. Many people ask us if they should refrigerate the coffee after opening. You don’t need to do that at all. Just keep the coffee in a dark and dry place (like the credenza) and this should work just fine. For best results, we recommend that you use the coffee within 6 months of the roasting date and within 30 days after opening the bag.

Best Wishes,

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